Friday, December 16, 2011

The Bun's Outta The Oven!!!

I slowly type this post with one hand as my other is cradling my ten day old baby! Sawyer Louis Jacklich was born on 12-6-11 at 12:10 pm weighing in at 8lbs 10oz and measuring 21 inches long.
Tuesday morning (my due date!) I woke up really early and for some reason decided to go lay on the couch. I kept having minor cramps but wasn't paying too much attention to them until I couldn't sleep any longer. It was around 7am, and not wanting to wake Mark yet I decided to take a hot shower to see if the contractions would stop. Well, they didn't! They were getting increasingly intense and at this point were about five minutes apart. I got him up and told him to get ready. I wanted to be presentable so I decided I'd do my hair and makeup (HA). About five seconds into blow drying my hair that idea was out the window and we were out the door.

We dropped Ruby off at my parent's house and rushed to the hospital. When we checked in I was dilated to four and once we moved into my room I had jumped to seven. Sawyer was a little posterior and I began having back labor. With Ruby my epidural hadn't worked and let me tell you, the difference in pain was incredible. I had always scoffed at women on t.v. who were any more vocal than some groaning during contractions, yet here I was dropping F bombs like there's no tomorrow and was halfway to screaming. By this time I'm at 8 and the anesthetist had come in to work on my epidural. I had told him that it hadn't worked the last time and he seemed determined to make it work. well, it wasn't working and it was go time. I'm pretty sure I saw him pump three syringes full of medicine into my thing to no avail. My doc was on his way when all the sudden I could not feel a thing from the waist down! No pressure, NOTHING! Sweet relief was mine. I give big kudos to anyone who has had back labor and was not able or chose not to have relief, I was trying to think about how I could even wrap my head around pushing while dealing with that pain. When my  doc arrived he said he'd just let me labor down so pushing would be easier. Awhile later he came back and four pushes later I had my little crumb bum!!!

I am so incredibly happy and blessed to have two perfect babies. This is my last baby so I'm trying to savor every second of him being this little. Ruby looks like a giant compared to him. She's taking to him pretty well, and by that I mean it doesn't seem like she cares either way. I know she's going to be the best big sister ever, though. I'd also like to mention how incredible Mark was during the delivery. Somehow between giving me sips of water, rubbing my back, and holding my leg, he managed to video the whole thing, including himself cutting the cord! I love that guy.

Here's to speedy deliveries and the littlest Christmas miracles



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