Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Cookies!

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Who doesn't love Christmas Cookies?
 In honor of the cookie exchange that I am missing out on today (I am not feeling well), I thought I would post about my favorite cookies to make. These cookies are similar to sugar cookies, they are cream cheese cut out cookies. The flavor is amazing and they bake beautifully. I am such a perfectionist when it comes to icing them, though, that I am on the verge of aquiring carpel tunnel from spending so long on them!

 Snowflakes with edible glitter, stockings, and Christmas trees with Red Hots as lights
 Snowmen, icing dried then iced with black and dipped in black sugar
Snowflakes, stockings, and candy canes iced and dipped in non-pareils.

BAKING TIP: If you're rotating between a couple baking sheets, make sure you rinse the pan off with cold water and wipe down in between batches, this will help with the consistency of your cookies.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful day! If you'd like the recipe for my cream cheese cut out cookies, you can e-mail me at

Love, Kailee

1 comment:

  1. Saying hello from yournewest follower!Stop by and check out my blog if yu would like!

    These look so good! I will be emailing you. :) Have a great day!



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