Monday, August 22, 2011

Red Velvet Cupcakes - Revisted

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My friend contacted me to make some red velvet cupcakes for a family birthday party she is having tonight. The last recipe I used was pretty okay, but a little dry. I really am not okay with dry, so I went on a hunt for a new recipe, which is also a little scary because it's taking a gamble since I hadn't even tested it out. After looking over a few, I came upon one from Smitten Kitchen .
The picture looked so moist, I had to try it. I have to say I LOVE this recipe. My only issue was streaking, which I forgot about the possibility of that happening since it has been so long since I've made red velvet. This can (usually) be fixed by mixing the cocoa and red food coloring to make a paste, and mixing it in as one of the last things instead of sifting the cocoa with the flour.

All lined up ready to be boxed!
I sprinkled the tops with red velvet crumbs. I took one of the little wonky ones, broke it in half and used a fork to scrape out crumbs into a little bowl.

I got these Reynold's foil liners at Safeway. Word on the street is you don't need a  muffin pan to use them!
For the frosting, I used one package of cream cheese, one stick of butter, a little vanilla, a little milk, annnnd probably around 5-6 cups of powdered sugar. I usually just keep adding sugar with splashes of milk until it's fluffy enough to look pretty on top of the cupcake. I was pretty disappointed I wasn't able to find my pastry tip to make the nice 'round' frosting tops I like, just like in my other red velvet post. Oh well, I think they still turned out nice.

This is one of the little wonky ones I was referring to. Super little. :)
This is the streaking. I was worried the red color wouldn't be strong enough, because the recipe called for 3oz of food color and I only had two. I thought that each little bottle of red food coloring had two ounces, but they were only one.

Overall I'm really pleased with how these turned out. The real test is to see if Nicole and her family liked them too! I hope you enjoy them, Nicole!!!

As for the rest of you, head over to Smitten Kitchen for the recipe and makes these tonight!!!! :)

Hope everyone had a great Monday!!!



1 comment:

  1. Oh my! I love Red Velvet. I wish I had not seen your post now, because it's almost 1:30am - a terrible time to develop a craving like that!

    Found your blog via a post on Mom Bloggers Club.
    Decided to follow you now. Looking forward to reading more.
    You're welcome to visit my blogs too, if you would like.

    Best wishes!


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